
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Tree Gnome

  There was once a time, long before us, when the world was full of forests and gardens. This is where the Fairies, elves, imps, and gnomes lived and played. Now, there aren't many left, but if you are calm and quiet sometimes when you visit your garden or the forest, you just might catch a glimpse - a fairy smelling a flower, maybe an imp playing with a ladybug, or an elf tasting a water droplet of a leaf. But, the best of all, if you get down low to the ground and look closely at the tree trunk, you might just be lucky enough to see a little door open up and a tree Gnome appear.

Nature is Slowly Fighting Back

  The way nature can really start fighting back against humanity is to take over our brains first.

Art prompt generator

 In my search for inspiration today I found an art prompt generator. ArtPrompts It has prompts for characters or creatures, environments, situations, objects and challenges. If you have so many great ideas for any of these attributes that you can't possibly use them all yourself, or you just want to provide others with a little inspiration, you can even submit your own prompt ideas or artwork you have created that has been inspired from any of the prompts.

The Cogs of Time

 As the cogs turn forward, so does time. If only we could actually control time with cogs - turning back time, stopping time, slowing it down, or speeding it up. Maybe if we added new cogs or took cogs away we could create new timelines, or take cogs from one timeline and put them in another. Imagine if time travel and entering different timelines was as simple as taking your cog out of the current timeline and placing it at a different point. This could create the potential, for better or worse, for creating new worlds or for endless destruction, manipulating events and opportunities. This could be a cool writing or illustration prompt.

A working short story idea.

The messages from our governments and scientists said that the Nano-Tech was like bacteria released into the Earth's atmosphere. The billions of people all over the planet have been told that after years of research, building, testing and adapting, this technology could fix the damage humankind had done to our world. So Why did these messages come from space stations? why have they left us? 

Under the Microscope and Artificial Bacterium

 Under the Microscope and Artificial Bacterium are an exploration of how technology and A1 are becoming life and death for humanity, are becoming part of our our world, our existence and part of who we are. One day they may even play a much more significant role in our make-up, our creation.

The Blocks of Life

 We, our bodies, our souls, our worlds, our lives are made up of many different shapes, sizes and configurations.


 I am often inspired by colours, light and shade, and light refraction. Particularly stones like diamonds and opals. However, sometimes I also like to draw them with very little to no colour. The quality of these 2 images is not the best as they are scanned, but you get the picture.

A New Galaxy Begins and Central Control

These two pieces focus on the possibility of AI exploring technology, mechanics and biochemistry, experimenting to create new worlds and new beings as the human world and human life fall further into destruction through our own decisions and activities.

The Portal (in the deep dark cavern) visual and short story

 Swimming disoriented through a cold and dark cavern. Which way did I come from? Oh no, where do I go? The air smells fresh and is filled with sounds, but how? unknown creatures swim around me, brushing against me. My panic grows, and I need to get out, I keep swimming. It feels like I have been going for an hour with who knows what; sounds are growing stronger, and I am beginning to detect a buzz. I keep swimming forward. I turn one corner to the left and then another to the right as the sounds grow stronger, but so does the presence of creatures swimming around me, of in the distance, I can see a faint light coming from a corner, an alcove from the left, and feel a breeze all around. I'm tired and cold, but I need to reach that light, it must be a way out? is this the way I came in? I can remember; it feels like it was so long ago. It's getting closer, but what is that sound? so much buzzing and unearthly, it is becoming overwhelming. I finally made it, just one more turn and

Making friends

 Here is a drawing and an edit I call Making Friends! an older model of a robot making a new model. The new model is nearly complete, the older one just needs to put the 'brain' in place.

Cool writing prompt generator

I came across this cool ServiceScape writing prompt generator today, which, as well as writing, could also be used to prompt visual art pieces. It is really easy to use and quick to come up with prompts - perfect for when you are struggling to find that inspiration for your next piece or even just want to challenge yourself and expand on your creative writing. ServiceScape writing prompt generator

This is a short piece of writing I completed for a Visual Cultures unit

  The sound of croaking fills the damp air, as does an earthy scent lingering with eucalypt and wattle. There you are little frogs hiding under the water ferns eating the bugs and drinking from the pond.  Here comes an echidna to join you. Suddenly screeching fills the environment, hello galahs I didn't see you perched in the wattle, what is wrong? Oh nope, there it is, I see it. I have to go now. Naaaaaan, Popppppp there's a Tiger snake in the garden again.

Old King Cog

Old King Cog: Is he a Robot King of the Past or the Future? Seizing the King: Old King Cog being Swarmed by flying Nano-Bots The New Nervous?: Is this the Nervous System of those in Old King Cog's world? or is it a nervous system of our future reality?    

Growing Habitats Collection

 These pieces are representative of growing new worlds through bacteria on Petri dishes.

Artificial Steam Punk Intelligence

My original pencil drawing and some edits I created using Pixlr. This is a combination of a few themes that I am intrigued and inspired by - Steam Punk, Artificial Intelligence/Robots and circuitry and the concept of time. Some of my inspirations for this design can be found on my Pinterest

After The Fall

  After the colossal robots take over and, through some miracle of engineering and tech, humans defeat them, an after-effect is ground which we can no longer build and live upon. We resort to creating giant floating cities anchored to the colossal robot limbs with gargantuan chains and locks.