The Portal (in the deep dark cavern) visual and short story

 Swimming disoriented through a cold and dark cavern. Which way did I come from? Oh no, where do I go? The air smells fresh and is filled with sounds, but how? unknown creatures swim around me, brushing against me. My panic grows, and I need to get out, I keep swimming. It feels like I have been going for an hour with who knows what; sounds are growing stronger, and I am beginning to detect a buzz. I keep swimming forward. I turn one corner to the left and then another to the right as the sounds grow stronger, but so does the presence of creatures swimming around me, of in the distance, I can see a faint light coming from a corner, an alcove from the left, and feel a breeze all around. I'm tired and cold, but I need to reach that light, it must be a way out? is this the way I came in? I can remember; it feels like it was so long ago. It's getting closer, but what is that sound? so much buzzing and unearthly, it is becoming overwhelming. I finally made it, just one more turn and..... what is that floating in the light? I cautiously get closer. I see a person off to the right watching. Do they know what it is? Should I ask? I don't think they will hear me; it is so loud. I get closer, slowly wading. It is a pulsating swirl just floating in the air, but it must lead somewhere because I think that is where the breeze and noise are coming from, I'm scared now, I don't think that leads out of the cave, I want to swim away, but I'm being drawn in closer to the light, closer to the hole. I'm engulfed in the light now and feel like the noise is going to make my head explode. I look towards the right, to the person to ask what is happening, but I can't speak.... that is not a person, where is their face, it is just a black mass, a shadow. I can feel myself rising into the light... I'm in the swirl now; I turn to try and escape. No, what is happening? How can that be? I look out into the water where I was, staring into my own face, watching it slowly turn into a black shadow. I can feel myself being pulled in, I'm trying to fight it, trying to get back to my body as the chatter and noise all around invites me to join them, but I can't. I need to get back to my body; I need to get home. POP! everything is gone, the world, my body, my fear, but I feel warm, how can I feel warm without a body? Now I am just a sound, a consciousness floating around in the white glow of nothingness, just adding my chatter and force to drag the next poor soul in.


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